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CDP High School Virtual Certification Clinic October 2022

 The virtual clinic will be held over Zoom. All times are Mountain Daylight Time.

The High School clinic focuses on coaching philosophy and some fundamentals of coaching. It is not a skills and/or tactics clinic. The clinic is highly participatory; this is not a "sit and be lectured to" clinic. You will need to come prepared to be introspective and share!  The topics covered in the three hour 15 minute are:

Coaching philosophy

Transformational Coaching


Spirit of the Game


Practice Planning

To register you must have completed the Foundational Coach training.

Preparation for the Clinic

For the clinic, please be prepared to give a two minute or less explanation. You can explain anything you wish, ultimate related or not. The best things to explain in a short time span are how to do something simple such as how to peel a banana, hold the disc for a forehand, etc. You will not be demonstrating it just explaining it.


Expectations for Learners

The clinic, even virtually, is designed for engagement and discussion. We ask that you turn on your video and mic (please keep on mute except when sharing) to increase the level of engagement.  We recommend using a computer rather than a phone as we will be using some technologies that are easier to use on a computer or tablet. We also ask that you, as best you can, be in a place that offers some privacy. We also understand that children and pets may wander into the call from time to time. 


The clinic will have ample opportunities for small break out rooms for discussion. This clinic is not one that features lecturing by the facilitator. Along those lines, we likely will be covering material that is new to you and some that you have heard before. For the new material, please come in with an open mind; for the material that might not be so new, look at it as an opportunity to reinforce what you already know and to find deeper understanding; you can also share your experience and knowledge with your fellow coaches who are less experienced.

We ask that you give the clinic your undivided attention. We ask that you treat this clinic as if you were driving an hour away to attend an in-person clinic and make arrangements accordingly. In addition, we require attendance at the entire clinic in order to be eligible for certification. If you cannot make the entire clinic, we can reschedule you for another one. If you need to leave early or arrive late, you will be asked to repeat the entire clinic.


Representation and Diversity (RAD) Grant

If you meet either criteria below and are in need of financial assistance to attend the clinic, you are eligible to attend the clinic for free.  The grant will also cover the cost of the Foundational Coach test if taken this year and a non-player membership.


  1. You are a woman or identify as non-binary.

  2. You are a person of color.

Please use this survey to request the grant BEFORE registering for the clinic if you qualify and want the financial assistance.

Clinic Refund Policy

If you cannot attend a clinic you registered for you can transfer your registration to another clinic. If you do not notify USAU before the clinic, your request for re-scheduling may be denied.

Clinic Requirements

    • Signed Waiver
    • Current Background Check
    • SafeSport Trained
    • CDC Concussion Training
    Certification Level Prerequisites:
    • Foundational Coach
    Membership Level:
    • Adult Intro
    • Adult Player
    • Affiliate Player
    • College Intro
    • College Player
    • Lifetime
    • Non-Player
CDP High School Virtual Certification Clinic October 2022 / Coaching Development Program / High School Certified Coach
Manager / Instructor:
Registration Open Date:
8/18/2022 01:00 AM
Registration End Date:
10/08/2022 08:00 AM
Clinic Start Date:
10/09/2022 17:00 PM
Clinic End Date:
10/09/2022 20:15 PM
Clinic Cost:
Max Number of Registrants:

**Registration has already closed for this clinic.