Account Management

Southeast D-III College Women's CC

City: Milledgeville
Date: 4/18/2020 - 4/19/2020
State: GA

This event is not accepting registration anymore.

Primary Contact: Meredith Collier,

Bid Fee: $200

Bid Fee Deadline: April 1st

Bid Fee Payment Instructions: Paypal,;

Venmo, @Lynx-rufus

Format: TBD


Event Type:
Championship Tournament - Cancelled Championship Tournament

Health, Safety and Liability Requirements - Please make sure to understand, follow, and communicate/share these requirements with all participants.


Tournament Medical and Inclement Weather Plan - Specific safety information for your tournament


Provisions & Amenities - A list of important items that should be provided at the tournament. (Note not all items may be provided at regular season or recreation events, such as logos, event guides, shelter etc.).


Youth Participation Requirements - These requirements must be followed for any event that involves a participant under the age of 18. This includes the requirement for a rostered chaperone.


Spirit of the Game


Parent Resources Page


Rostering Requirements - All event participants must have a current waiver & membership and be rostered through the USA Ultimate rostering system in order to participate. 



For USA Ultimate membership account access issues, contact