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Sunnyvale, California

Competition Level:
Great Grand Masters
Gender Division:
Formed in 1994 in Fremont, California. Thirst’N’Howl still meets weekly to play Ultimate, then hacky-sack, drink beer, heckle and insult each other. On Tuesdays we have a Smelt Night (Google it). Being voted the 2009 Grand Masters Spirit Champions by our fellow players was one of the great highlights of our team's long history. We are now Great Grand Masters and still "Savin the Klavin"!

Player Roster

No.PlayerPronounsMere Info


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00Michael Sexter Dump7'1"
01Paul Sciuto Mid 
03Matthew Storch Handler 
09Chris Fontes Dump5'6"
10Drew Zenger Mid 
11Joe Konst Mid 
12Tim Lloyd Mid6'4"
13John Toupin Handler 
13Douglas Irving Dump 
14William Mark Mid 
15Richard Colbeth Deep 
18Mike Norman Dump6'4"
20Philip Polzer Mid 
22Daniel Guevara H/T Mid 
25Kiki Chang Mid 
26Jonny Mendez Dump 
30Keeney Willis Cutter 
35Lance Crawford Deep5'9"
37Louis Bair Dump 
42Emilian Ochotta H Handler 
44Doug Werner Dump 
50Benjamin Emery Dump 
54Greg Yachuk Cutter 
55Pierre Clavel Mid 
65Tom Nolan Handler5'11"
66Jamal Yusof Defense (Cutter)6'0"
69Trey Paulissen H Mid5'11"
82Kent Silveira Deep 
99Rand Wrobel H Handler