Account Management
All games except Finals are played to 11, cap at 13, with a hard cap at 75 minutes. Finals to 13, cap at 15, with a hard cap at 90 minutes. 11th edition rules. 5 minute halftime. 1 time-out per half (no carry over). Each team is permitted exactly one timeout in overtime, regardless of how many they had remaining in regulation time. (Overtime occurs when teams are tied at one goal less than the game total). Timeouts are permitted during a hard cap. Tie-breaker procedure: Head to head record. If still tied, point differential among games between the tied teams. If still tied, point differential for other games. Particular emphasis will be placed on time limits between points (70 seconds for the receiving team to signal readiness, 90 seconds for the pulling team to release the pull) and for time-outs (70 seconds for offensive team to be set, 90 seconds for defensive team to check the disc in). A timekeeper may be appointed to audibly announce time between points and for timeouts, calling out the 50-, 60-, 70-, 80-, and 90-second junctures.