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CDP High School Coaching Clinic NJ February 2020


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The High School Certification program will cover building your coaching values, professionalism with a youth team, inclusion, player leadership, Spirit of the Game (and self-officiating), and building a more efficient practice using the American Development Model.

 Coaches of teams at any level and leaders in the ultimate community are encouraged to attend. To register you must have an active coach level membership.

Women’s Rebate Program

You may be eligible for a rebate for the clinic fee IF you complete the coach certification process after this clinic and meet one of the following requirements:

  1. You are a woman coaching a team at any USA Ultimate sanctioned event.

  2. You are male coaching a mixed or women’s team at a USA Ultimate sanctioned event.

  3. You must be on the roster as the coach and not playing on the team you are coaching to be eligible.


For more information please visit the USA Ultimate website.

If you meet the criteria, you can apply using this Google Form. Please only submit once all of the criteria have been met. Reimbursements are sent out quarterly (roughly).

Clinic Refund Policy

If you cannot attend a clinic you registered for you can 1) request a full refund for a clinic or 2) transfer your registration to another already scheduled clinic. Contact the Youth and Education Manager ( at least one business day before the clinic you are registered for. If you do not notify USAU before the clinic, your request for a refund or re-scheduling may be denied.

Clinic Requirements

    • Signed Waiver
    • Current Background Check
    • SafeSport Trained
    Membership Level:
    • Coach
    • Coach & Affiliate Player
    • Coach & Player
    • Lifetime
CDP High School Coaching Clinic NJ February 2020 / Coaching Development Program / High School Certified Coach
CDP High School Coaching Clinic NJ February 2020 / Coaching Development Program / Youth Certification
Manager / Instructor:
Sub Manager / Local Organizer:
Registration Open Date:
2/19/2020 10:00 AM
Registration End Date:
3/19/2020 23:59 PM
Clinic Start Date:
3/21/2020 10:30 AM
Clinic End Date:
3/21/2020 13:45 PM
Clinic Cost:
Edison Intermediate School
800 Rahway AVE
Westfield, NJ 07090
Travel Directions / Accommodations:
You will be receiving an email the day before the clinic to discuss instructions on entering the building.

**Registration has already closed for this clinic.