2017 U.S. Open National Ultimate Organizers Convention
SESSION DETAILS AND SCHEDULE (Click here to download or print PDF)
WHO / WHAT: The 2017 installment of the annual USA Ultimate organizers convention returns to feature a slate of informative sessions and engaging activities for the sport's thought-leaders from across the organizing spectrum, targeted primarily and most heavily at leaders and representatives from USA Ultimate Affiliates and State-Based Organizations from around the nation, as well as other leaders in the sport of ultimate from around the world. Want to weigh in on the issues, ideas and strategies for advancing the sport? Did you enjoy or wish you had been able to attend a stop on the recent strategic planning Vision Tour? Then you don't want to miss this opportunity!
WHEN: Thursday, August 3rd with check-in and light breakfast fare available starting at 8am. Sessions will run from 8:30am until 6pm with a lunch break. Dinner will be served to pre-registered attendees at 6:30pm.
WHERE: The National Sports Center in Blaine, Minnesota will host the convention in the classroom space, adjacent to the main lobby, of the Sports Hall building, just past the U2 "Bowl" playing field. *Pro tip: Find the large red "R" on the event field map, and you'll find us!
HOW MUCH: The $100 registration fee includes:
- Full day of convention sessions
- Light breakfast before sessions start
- Lunch midway through the day
- Dinner after sessions have concluded
- Admission to all 4 days of competition ($15 value)
- 2 player dinners (Sat & Sun in the stadium) for those who register by July 1st!
HOTELS: Book rooms while they last from https://mmxreservations.com/fer/#/nsc?pageCode=USAUltimate and if you have any trouble including Wed night, most hotels should be able to extend those rates for an extra midweek night, if you give them a call directly.
Convention registrants are also invited to attend all of the following weekend activities at the National Sports Center: