Number of players on the field - 5v5
Field size (yards) - Length: 45 Width: 30 End Zone: 15 Bricks: 15
Game Length - Game Total: 11 points and/or Hard Time Cap 50 minutes
Pre-stall - NONE
Layout on Defense - Allowed without contact. Any contact with another player before, during, or after the play is considered a receiving foul. This includes incidental contact that did not affect the play. Emphasis must be placed by coaches on proper technique and decision-making.
Zone defense -No zone 'cup' on the mark. Switching and Poaching OK.
Tourney fee is $100/team and all players MUST be AYU affiliate members ($14/year) or USAU members. Also, each team will be required to have one USAU certified Chaperone that is background checked and Safe Sport Certified.
$100 paid via Paypal to:
(please pay 'friends and family style' so there are NO FEES)