Sectional Champion: Northern Comfort
Subsectional 1:
1. Northern Comfort*
2. No Touching*
3. Minnesota Star Power*
4. Pandamonium*
5. Boomtown Pandas*
6. Point of No Return
7. The Force
8. Mousetrap
9. Lake Superior Disc
10. Dinosaur Fancy
11. Underdogs
12. Midnight Nut Busters
Subsectional 2:
1. Bird*
2. Pushovers*
3. Bantr*
4. Mad Udderburn*
5. Frostbite*
6. Madison Unite Mixed Ultimate
T7. Mastodon
T7. Melt
9. Great Minnesota Get Together
10. Mad City Vibes
* Denotes advancement to Regionals