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2023 U.S. Open Club Championships - ICC

City: Aurora
Date: 8/4/2023 - 8/6/2023
State: CO
Men's Division Schedule
Mixed Division Schedule
Women's Division Schedule

This event is currently set for Invite-Only registration.



Place Women's Mixed Men's
1 Scandal AMP PoNY
2 Fury BFG Truck Stop
3 Brute Squad NOISE Chicago Machine
4 MUD Ellipsis Johnny Bravo
5 Molly Brown shame. Revolver
6 Flipside Polar Bears Rhino Slam!
7 6ixers XIST DiG
8 Swampy Barg Seattle Mixtape Mutiny
9 Schwa Crazy Buzz Bullets
10 Traffic Drag'n Thrust Sockeye
11 Venado Azul Voltaje U.C. Omen
12 Nightlock TOP Ultimate Club Makawua

Final Spirit Scores


Place Women's Spirit Score
1 MUD 10.67
2 Venado Azul 10.67
3 Swampy Barg 10.5
4 6ixers 10.4
5 Brute Squad 10.33
6 Nightlock 10.33
7 Schwa 10.33
8 Flipside 10.2
9 Traffic 10.17
10 Fury 9.83
11 Scandal 9.67
12 Molly Brown 9.5
Place Men's Spirit Score
1 Bunka Shutter Buzz Bullets 14
2 MAKAWUA 12.17
3 Mutiny 11.33
4 Sockeye 10.83
5 Johnny Bravo 10.5
6 Truck Stop 10.33
7 Rhino Slam! 10.2
8 DiG 10.17
9 Chicago Machine 10
10 Omen 10
11 PoNY 10
12 Revolver 10
Place Mixed Spirit Score
1 Drag'n Thrust 11.33
2 NOISE 10.67
3 Seattle Mixtape 10.4
4 Top Ultimate Club 10.33
5 CRAZY 10.17
6 Ellipsis 10.17
7 shame. 10.17
8 AMP 10
9 Voltaje U.C 10
10 XIST 9.6
11 BFG 9.5
12 Polar Bears 9.4


The event is using a "Pay What You Can" model for admissions, rather than charging at the entrance or for "stadium" games. This model is intended to help keep the event affordable, based on people’s different financial circumstances, while also promoting the value of the event experience and the many programs and services USA Ultimate and our local host (Altitude Ultimate) provide the community. Spectators are asked to use the link below to pay their admissions fee before or during the event. 

This fee is flexible, and we’ve provided the following suggestions as a framework to consider.

I can pay more = $20/day, $60/whole event

I can pay the regular rate = $15/day, $45/whole event

I can pay less = $10/day, $30/whole event

*Players and coaches are not expected to pay admissions. 

All revenue from admissions fees goes towards funding USA Ultimate and Altitude Ultimate’s missions to grow and support the sport and the ultimate community. Thank you!


*SAFETY NOTE: Please avoid leaving valuables visible in vehicles and keep doors locked.

Event Type:
Sanctioned Tournament - Sanctioned Club Regular Season Tournament
Field Map:
View Field Information and Maps
Site Rules
• No alcohol
• No Tobacco
• No Glass
• No Firearms or weapons
• No Abusive Language
• Observe parking restrictions and designated handicap/staff areas
• Spectators and Equipment must stay at least 5 yards away from sidelines! Where there are buffer lines, respect them. Where there are not buffer lines, stay back at least 5 yards
• Trash and Recycling – Place recyclables in the recycling receptacles, and place trash in the trash cans 
Altitude Ultimate Lead Organizers
Tournament Directors:  Christian Gentry and Mike Richard
Volunteer Coordinator:  Ben Fletcher
Head Scorekeeper:  Monica Weindling
Assistant Volunteer Coordinator:  Jason Howard
Assistant Head Scorekeeper:  Collin Ruprect
Hospitality & Admissions Coordinator:  Bekah Richard
Rentals and lunches:  Jeff Berget
USA Ultimate Staff
Managing Director, Athlete & National Team Programs:  Will Deaver
Managing Director, Marketing, Communications & Brand:  Andy Lee
Director, Members Services & Community Development; Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Co-Chair:  Stacey Waldrup
Manager, Athlete & National Team Programs (Youth); Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Co-Chair:  Dana Jefferson
Manager, Athlete & National Team Programs (Club):  Marc Zigterman
Events Managers:  David Raflo & Byron Hicks
Manager, Community Development & H.R.:  Leah Dolan-Kelley
Manager, Youth & Education Programs:  Sam Callan
Manager, EDI & Youth Engagement:  Gervon Williams
Manager, Communications:  Byran Geenen
SOTG Director:  Travis Smith
Public Address Announcer:  Peter Burke
Observers:  Marvin Vuong (Head Observer), Jeff Blair, Bill Bourret, Brian Bradburn, Dylan Bradford, Enzo Cianelli, Ben DeForest, Michael Ferguson, Donovan Gleeson, Amy Kendziorski, Wally Kwong, Sebastian Miner, Jonathan Monforti, Madison Olesen, Paul Otto, Michael Richardson, Joey Tillman, Autumn Tocci, Chris Vanni, & Stephen Wang