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2024 USA Ultimate Southeast Great Grand Masters Regionals (GL/SE Super Regional)

City: Nashville
Date: 6/8/2024 - 6/9/2024
State: TN
Men's Division Schedule

This event is not accepting registration anymore.
Grand Masters Super Regionals - Great Lakes and Southeast.
Please see the link above for details about the event. 
I am posting the schedule (as it is today) This is subject to change.
A few highlights: 
Food will be included at the fields Saturday night, it is part of your entry fee.
The PUL team in Nashville is offerning a team rate to attend their game Saturday evening as well.

Event Type:
Championship Tournament - Regional Championship Tournament
Field Map:
View Field Information and Maps
Ted Rhodes Fields, Nashville Sat, 8 — Sun, 9 June 2024
Games to 13 (no win by 2), so first to 13
2 timeouts per half
1 timeout per team if game reaches a 12-12 tie (overtime rule but modified so it's still first to 13 points)
Hard cap at 95 minutes
Porta potties on the field
Water jugs on the field
Standard snacks available (bagels, peanut butter, bananas)
Trainer on the field available
Fields layout in the attached image Park in the red spots only. DO NOT park on the grass or on/along the roadways..
Don't put tents between the fields, put them on the outside perimeter of the combined fields.