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2025 U.S. Open Youth Club Championships (YCC)

City: Aurora
Date: 8/2/2025 - 8/4/2025
State: CO

This event is currently set for Invite-Only registration.

Friday, August 1

  • ICC (adult club): Pool play
  • YCC: Team Registration

Saturday, August 2

  • ICC: Semis and placement games
  • YCC: Pool play (schedule links to be posted after all teams have registered)
  • All: Discraft Player Dinner (3:15 - 6:15 PM near Field 9)

Sunday, August 3

  • ICC: Finals
  • ICC: Division Awards Ceremony
  • YCC: Pool/Crossover/Bracket Competition (schedule links to be posted after all teams have registered)

Monday, August 4

  • YCC: Semifinals, Finals, Consolation games
  • YCC: Division Awards Ceremony

Event Type:
Championship Tournament - National Championship Tournament
Field Map:
View Field Information and Maps
Teams from across the nation will be competing in 5 divisions:
Under-20 Mixed, Under-17 Girls, Under-20 Girls, Under-17 Boys, and Under-20 Boys.

Team applications are available at and accepted teams will start being added by early March.

Check out the 2024 YCC event and results here.


Spirit of the Game


Health, Safety and Liability Requirements - Please make sure to understand, follow, and communicate/share these requirements with all participants.


For USA Ultimate membership account access issues, contact



Participants and all attendees at USA Ultimate events are expected to adhere to the USA Ultimate Code of Conduct, which includes, but is not limited to, the expectation to:

  • Foster an inclusive environment for all members of the community, no matter race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical, or sensory disability. 
  • Participants will not engage in or condone any form of discrimination or harassment.
  • Participants will not threaten, bully, or express themselves in a way that infringes on the freedom of others.

USA Ultimate’s Gender Inclusion Policy governs participation around gender, gender identity and sexual orientation.

There will be players attending the event who identify as LGBTQIIA+. The gender a player identifies as is considered that player’s gender. Agender, gender non-conforming (GNC), genderqueer, transgender, or gender fluid players are encouraged to join teams and match up with the players that they feel most comfortable playing with and marking. No coach or player should be asked to explain or justify their identity. Players are trusted to participate where they are most comfortable.

Any team, player, coach, spectator or other attendee that uses anti-LGTBQIA+, trans-phobic, racist or sexist language, or otherwise violates the USA Ultimate Code of Conduct should be reported to USA Ultimate staff. Such behavior will not be tolerated and will be subject to sanctions as outlined in the Code of Conduct.

Behavior that violates the Code of Conduct may be reported as outlined in USA Ultimate’s Event Disciplinary Authority (EDA) Guidelines. At the Youth Club Championships, the EDAs are the USA Ultimate Competition Manager and Managing Director. Reports may be made at tournament headquarters at any time, or if assistance is needed during a game, event volunteers can contact a member of the USA Ultimate staff via radio.

At event registration, each team representative will be asked to sign off on a form (Event Inclusion Policy Agreement), confirming that:

  • This policy has been communicated with their team and anyone who might be attending the event in support of the team, such as expected spectators, players’ parents/guardians, other family, friends, etc.
  • Their team, including players, coaches, chaperones, team support, etc., understands and will be in compliance with this policy.