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Girls' Ultimate Movement Clinic: Asheville, NC

City: Asheville
Date: 3/24/2019 - 3/24/2019
State: NC

This event is currently set for Invite-Only registration.
Asheville Ultimate Frisbee is hosting a Girls' Ultimate Movement (GUM) clinic. No previous ultimate or disc throwing experience necessary. Bring a friend and join in the fun! This is a great opportunity to hone your skills for the high school or middle school season or introduce your friends to the sport!
When: Sunday, March 24 from 12:30-2:30 pm
Registration begins at 12:00 pm.
Who: Girls ages 10-18
Where: Memorial Stadium, 32 Buchanan Pl, Asheville, NC 28801
Cost: Register online or on-site.

Event Type:
Girls' Ultimate Movement - GUM Clinic
Katy Harris,
Join in the movement to grow girls' in ultimate!
*No membership is required to attend Girls' Ultimate Movement clinics. A free one day membership is offered at GUM clinics as a low-barrier way for youth to get involved in ultimate. The membership ensures that participants receive insurance and liability coverage at the clinic. Learn more about membership benefits here,
**Each participant must complete a USA Ultimate insurance and liability waiver and medical authorization form in order to attend the clinic. You must bring the completed medical authorization form to the GUM clinic. You can consent to the USA Ultimate Waiver via the registration form to the left or by bringing a signed paper copy to the clinic.

For information regarding athlete protection at USA Ultimate events as well as health, safety & liability, please visit these pages: