Account Management

Northwest D-I College Men's Regionals

City: Burlington
Date: 11/6/2021 - 11/7/2021
State: WA
Men's Division Schedule

This event is currently set for Invite-Only registration.

Primary Contact: Nora Landri <>

Bid Fee:

Bid Fee Deadline:

Bid Fee Payment Instructions:


Event Type:
Championship Tournament - Regional Championship Tournament
We will be using the 2020-2021 rules. Caps: Please familiarize yourself with the new rules on caps as they are different this year. Soft cap is +1 to the highest score. Hard cap is the same (if someone is ahead the game is over) Halftime cap comes halfway until hard cap. Rounds are 110 minutes. Pool play games to 13. Bracket games to 15. Half cap: 45 minutes. Soft cap: 80 minutes. Hard cap:90 minutes. Timeouts: - Games to 15: 2 / half for each team - Games to 13: 1 / half & a floater for each team

COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS: This event will adhere to the Return To Play Guidelines, and have COVID contingencies in place. Due to the rapidly changing landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, all events and teams will be expected to comply with local, state, and USA Ultimate medical and safety requirements for the event. 

 The "2020-2021 Official Rules of Ultimate" will be used for all USA Ultimate competition. This applies to all USA Ultimate-owned and sanctioned events. The new rules are available at in HTML and PDF formats, along with supporting documentation highlighting and explaining the changes from the 11th Edition. The new rules are also available in the USA Ultimate app.

Health, Safety and Liability Requirements - Please make sure to understand, follow, and communicate/share these requirements with all participants.


Tournament Medical and Inclement Weather Plan - Specific safety information for your tournament


Provisions & Amenities - A list of important items that should be provided at the tournament. (Note not all items may be provided at regular season or recreation events, such as logos, event guides, shelter etc.).


Youth Participation Requirements - These requirements must be followed for any event that involves a participant under the age of 18. This includes the requirement for a rostered chaperone.

College Guidelines

Spirit of the Game


Parent Resources Page


Rostering Requirements - All event participants must have a current waiver & membership and be rostered through the USA Ultimate rostering system in order to participate. 



For USA Ultimate membership account access issues, contact