Email with questions. Format and times are final.
Games on Saturday will be to 13 and a cap at 15. Rounds will be 100 min, soft cap will go off at 70 min and hard cap will go off at 90 min. There will be three divisions on three different time schedules, so be prepared to keep an eye on your watch. Check out tournament central on how your cap times will be communicated.
Games on Sunday will be to 15 and a cap at 17. Rounds will be 120 min, soft cap will go off at 90 min and hard cap will go off at 110 min. Each division will be on the same time schedule, so that should help clarify what each horn means.
Each team will have one time out and a floater per half. Caps will not affect timeouts unless it becomes overtime in which each team will be given a timeout regardless of how many they have used.