Account Management

Ohio Valley Dev College Men's Regionals

City: Toledo
Date: 4/26/2014 - 4/27/2014
State: OH
Men's Division Schedule

This event is currently set for Invite-Only registration.
 Date: April 26-27, 2014
Format: 3.0
Final Standings: 
  1 - Case Western B
  2 - Ohio State B
  3 - Cincinnati B

Event Type:
Championship Tournament - Regional Championship Tournament
Michael B at

 The Ohio Valley Regionals will be sponsored by SAVAGE Ultiamte who will be on site providing merch and offering a prize for 1st 2nd and 3rd


1st = 300 credit for purchase of 1000

2nd = 200 credit for purchase of 1000

3rd = 100 credit for purchase of 1000


visit for any needs before during and after the tournament


At the fields there will be usual tournament fair and a water source and real bathrooms not any porta-johns


There is a strict No Alcohol policy along with No Anmials 


Due to a new scoring system please email Mike B to confirm your spot and verify your method of payment



Fees will be 175 For the tournament if tournament is shortened fees may be reduced

Please Send Checks to

Toledo Savage Ultimate

c/o Michael Boroff

2820 Gunckel Blvd.

Toledo Ohio 43606