The 2018 Ozark Mixed Sectionals Championship will be held at West Bank Sports Complex in Tulsa, OK on September 8th, hosted by Tulsa Ultimate Federation. The event will be held in conjunction with Ozark Men's Sectional Championship, also held at West Bank.
Team registrations are due Friday, August 24th at 5PM MDT. You must register your team in order to participate in post-season play. Additionally, teams must meet these requirements by August 24th:
1. Register for Ozark Club Mixed Sectionals.
2. Have a minimum of 10 players with a signed liability waiver and active player-level USAU memberships on your Sectionals event roster.
If you need additional information on how to meet these requirements please reach out to Jarrod Hockett ASAP to confirm you are registered.
Field maps and schedule to be confirmed once all teams have registered.