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Seattle Invite- Girls

City: Seattle
Date: 5/3/2014 - 5/13/2014
State: WA
Girl's Division Schedule

This event is not accepting registration anymore.
Welcome to the 3rd annual Seattle Invite, featuring 13 of the best high school girls' teams in the Pacific Northwest!
Spirit of the Game: Ultimate relies upon a spirit of sportsmanship that places the responsibility for fair play on the player. Highly competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of mutual respect among competitors, adherence to the agreed upon rules, or the basic joy of fair play.
Spirit & Placement Awards: Individual spirit awards (from Five Ultimate!) will be awarded for each team (each coach report theirs to the TD on Sunday morning), as well as champion and 2nd place team medals. The awards ceremony will take place immediately after the finals. 
Tournament Directors: Cathy Schick from Seattle Academy will be the Tournament Director on Saturday. Britt Atack will be TD on Sunday. Report scores immediately after games to us at Event Central.

Spectators and all equipment should be at least 3 meters away from the field.
Water/Food: Each player should bring a full water bottle to the fields. Drinking fountains are available next to the gazebo and outside the bathrooms for refilling bottles. Bagels, hummus, cream cheese, fruit, and other snacks will be available for teams at Event Central, but players should be prepared to provide a majority of their nutritional needs during the tournament. Please use the trash receptacles available onsite. There are no recycling facilities at the park; please pack out your recyclables. Let’s leave the park cleaner than we find it! Safeway, Albertson’s, and a variety of restaurants are a few minutes’ drive from the fields. Turn right from Sky River Parkway onto Village Way. Turn right onto W. Main. Turn left onto Highway 2.
Gear!: Courtesy of Five Ultimate, cool swag will once again be available for purchase. Please note: CASH only!
Trainer: A certified athletic trainer will be onsite at Event Central throughout the weekend. 
Hospital: The nearest hospital is Valley General Hospital in Monroe. Directions to Valley General Hospital from Sky River Park: Turn right onto Sky River Parkway. Turn left onto Village Way. Turn left onto W. Main Street. Turn right on 179th Ave. SE. The main entrance to Valley General is on the right, south of the Emergency parking lot.

Event Type:
Sanctioned Tournament - Sanctioned Competitive Tournament
Field Map:
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