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So Cal Mixed Sectional Championship

City: Tuscan
Date: 9/8/2018 - 9/9/2018
State: AZ
Mixed Division Schedule

This event is not accepting registration anymore.
Fields are available at 7am for teams to warm up.
Pool A (pool of 7) Plays games to 11.
1:30 round times.
1 T/O per half + 0 Floater
Pool B (pool of 6) Plays games to 13.
1:45 round times.
1 T/O per half + 1 Floater
Both pools:
Soft cap is 30 min. before end of round.
Hard cap is 10 min. before end of round.
Bracket games to 13.
1:45 round times.
1 T/O per half + 1 Floater
In case of heat stoppage, the TD will delay rounds until the weather is fit to play.

Event Type:
Championship Tournament - Sectional Championship Tournament