Account Management

Southeast Dev College Men's CC

City: Tallahassee
Date: 4/22/2017 - 4/23/2017
State: FL
Men's Division Schedule

This event is not accepting registration anymore.
Format 8.1
Final Standings:
1 -  
2 -  
3 -  
4 -  
5 -  
6 -  
7 - 
8 -
Primary Contact (TD): Kate Knowlin
Secondary Contact: Hayley Plants
Bid Fee: $220
Free Drop Deadline: Sunday, April 9
50% Drop Deadline: Sunday, April 16
*Full bid is due if your team drops out after April 16
Bid Fee Payment Instructions: 
Cash/Check to Hayley Plants
Paypal: - send as friends/family with your team name in the comments. 

Event Type:
Championship Tournament - Conference Championship Tournament
Field Map:
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