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Copper Hills (Ultimate CHills)

West Jordan, Utah

Competition Level:
High School
Gender Division:

Richard Wilcox
Copper Hills ultimate is entering it's 3rd year. Each year the team continues to grow. We had only a single boy's team with 1 girl that first year. Last year, in our second year, we added a girls team. This year our team continues to grow as we add a middle school team of about 10-15 talented and athletic middle school players, both boys and girls. We enter this season with more depth on our high school teams than ever before. Despite being a young girls team with more sophomores than any other age group, most of our girls now have a year of ultimate under their belts. A number of players from both our boys and our girls team have been playing ultimate throughout the summer, fall, and even the winter.

Player Roster

No.PlayerPronounsMere Info


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0Jackson Ledbetter Handler  
0Aaron Rice Cutter  
0Joshua Wilkey Handler/Cutter  
3Brian Mathvink Defense (Cutter/Handler)  
4Jack Roberts Handler/CutterHigh School (12th Grade)5'7"
5Tate Laker Handler/CutterHigh School (11th Grade)6'1"
9Aaron Jensen Handler  
13Spencer Norris Handler  
14Brian Farley Cutter  
19Jaren Rodeback Cutter  
23Preston Bartunek Handler/Cutter  
24Conner Thompson Handler  
26Daniel Wight Defense (Cutter)High School (11th Grade)5'10"
27Jaxon Brown Cutter  
30Lake Springer Cutter  
53David Leavitt Cutter