Account Management
Team Image

Colorado Kelp

Boulder, Colorado

Competition Level:
Gender Division:

Liza Minor (Head Coach)
We are a team competing in the W division, with many queer and trans athletes. This team is forming to provide an explicitly healing and nurturing space for people and players who haven't always felt at home in sports. We are fierce competitors as well as lovers. We are a revolution!

Player Roster

No.PlayerPronounsMere Info


Interested in learning more about pronouns? Click here.

0Mary Andrews S   
0Abbie Gillach   
0Rachel Kalnbach S   
0Claudia Kramer   
0Sarah Laughlin S   
0Malea Marxer T   
0Meredith Mason   
0Lena Nyblade  5'8"
0Sierra Petrash   
0Shannon Reid   
0Cameron Rusin T   
0Liza Scher S   
0Leyla Williams   
3Simone Pierotti  5'4"
5Leilani Nelson  5'5"
9Nicole Sheerin S  5'7"
11Nori Catalano S  5'4"
12Rose Bransford S  5'5"
12Taylor Smith  4'11"
18Emma Smith S  5'3"
21Alison Brzostowicz  5'4"
21Rena Kawabata S  5'5"
24Chandler Shelton-Swenson  5'6"
58Liana Bradley S  5'2"
89Zane Bird Smith T  8'9"
97Kenny Kenny T Cutter5'9"