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Endless Sunset GGM Red

San Diego, California

Competition Level:
Great Grand Masters
Gender Division:
1 of 2 Endless Sunset GGM teams. This is the Red team.

Player Roster

No.PlayerPronounsMere Info


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0Robert Adler  5'7"
0Charles (Chuck) Aramaki   
0Daniel Asquith   
0Beverly Barnum   
0Matthew Beer   
0Larry Berliner   
0Manoj Bhargaw   
0Bob Blackstock H   
0Kurt Brantley  6'0"
0Edward Cable   
0David Campa H  5'11"
0Rico Cheng  5'9"
0Maxwell Conn   
0Eric Cooke   
0Danno Coppock   
0Scott Daeschner  5'11"
0Steve Espenschied   
0William Ford   
0Joe Garcia  5'9"
0Daniel Guevara H/T   
0Woo Jin Ho  5'7"
0Ronald Hohauser   
0Scott Holmberg   
0Patrick Holmes   
0David Intner   
0Douglas Irving   
0Eric Johnson   
0Joel Kindem   
0Pat King   
0Joe Konst   
0Tk Kubisek   
0Chuck LaForte   
0Lance Larson  6'1"
0Joe Lichy  5'9"
0John Lieske   
0Cory Livingston  5'9"
0Andrea Loewendorf S   
0Thomas Louchard  5'10"
0David Mallery   
0Drew Manalo-Lamanna H   
0Dan McCauley   
0Steven McDowell  5'7"
0Kurt Miller   
0Charlie Mullin   
0Steven Oldenburg   
0Walter Passmore   
0Allan Peterson   
0Philip Polzer   
0Dean Porter   
0Gary Prunty   
0Chris Pyles   
0Adam Ruderman   
0Alan Salzberg   
0Steven Schramm   
0Gino Sesto   
0Gary Shamshoian   
0Don Shank   
0Carl Shelley   
0Larry Siegel   
0William Spicer H   
0Eric Strukel   
0Michael Thoresen H  6'2"
0Sean Trabosh   
0Sean Van Tyne   
0Frank Vigil   
0John Vorhaus   
0Dennis Wenger  5'8"
0David Whitehead   
0Christopher Woods   
0Justin Wright   
0Joseph Wu  6'1"
0Josh Wulkan   
0Lun-Shin Yuen   
3David Carta  6'3"
3Brent Young H  5'8"
6James Trippe Cheek  5'9"
9Chris Fontes  5'6"
9Geoffrey Nourse  5'10"
12David Wagner  6'2"
12Mike Wurtz  5'10"
13Mark Lukens  5'9"
16Mike Phan  5'8"
17Michael Kinstlick  5'9"
19Cliff Hanna  6'0"
20Paul Bonfanti  5'5"
22Trey Paulissen H  5'11"
23Stephen Cook  6'0"
27Gus Estrano  5'10"
42James Froeschner  6'0"
42Mark Laffoon  5'10"
52Lou Pisacane  5'10"
61Randolph (Randy) Sanchez  5'8"
65George Bonnet  6'0"
66Jamal Yusof  6'0"
67Nils Lassiter  5'7"
69Tim Goldsmith  5'9"
88Tim Mills  1'0"
92Ryan Doucet  6'0"
92Ted Glenn  5'8"
96Kao Wang  5'7"