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Portland, Oregon

Competition Level:
Gender Division:

Michael Ferguson (Head Coach)
Robert Gough (Head Coach)
Schwa is an Oregon elite ultimate team. We strive to play hard and have fun both on and off the field. After forming in 1995, Schwa went to Nationals in nine of its first ten seasons and played for the championship in three of those appearances, helping establish the Northwest as the most formidable region in the women’s division. Not only the dedication of our players, but also the tenacity and skills of all of our Northwest neighbors have helped us grow into the team we are today. We are proud to represent the name Schwa, Oregon, and the Pacific Northwest.

Player Roster

No.PlayerPronounsMere Info


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0Talia Barth  5'9" 3 2 5 13
0Aubri Bishop S    1 2 1 5
0Morgan Caldwell    2 1 3
0Alberta Clough S/T    13 2 6 3
0Mariel Hammond    10 22 3 18
0Rachel Hess    4 7 1 16
0Syris Linkfield    4 1 4
0Elizabeth Longmire    6 3 3 5
0Zoe Luke    3 6 4
0Eva Popp S/T    6 5 6 13
0Danielle Runzo    2 7 5
0Kristina Snieder S  5'11"
0Claudia Tajima  5'6" 4 10 5 22
0Lillian Weaver    10 3 7 7
1Grace Alston  10'4" 2 1 6 6
2Acacia Hahn  5'0"
4Natalie Hancock S  5'2" 5 4 5 1
7Shea Brennan T  5'2" 1 6 1 5
9Brenna Bailey S    7 11 6 5
11Rachel Egan S  5'6" 4 3 4
14Julianna Galian  5'6" 7 5 5 9
18Julia Sherwood S  5'5" 17 13 2 22
20Kristin (Charlie) Eide S/T  5'7" 1 1 2 5
23Abbe Domenick  5'5" 8
26Shaelynn Davis  5'4" 1 5 2 5
72Ezra Weybright H/T  5'4" 15 22 4 16
92Michiko Magnant S  5'3" 9 1 2 5
99Noelle Takahashi  5'0" 1 5 2 10