Players | Goals |
George Abuhamad
| |
Mike Armstrong
| |
Joseph Babbino
| |
David Ball
| |
Madison Boyd
| |
Grant Buckingham
| |
Killian Burns
| |
Teal Dabney
| |
Melissa Devlin
| |
Allysha Dixon
| |
Veronica Eder
| |
Hilary Egan
| |
Elliott Erickson
| |
Callie Federer
| |
Lauren Ficek
| |
Alex Flamm
| |
Camilla Hallin
| |
Ellie Hasenohr
| |
Megan Ives
| |
David Kamin
| |
Stephen Lin
| |
Holly Lin
| |
Ben Lohre
| |
Will Lohre
| |
Julia Longinotti
| |
Bristol "Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the Third" Lovoy
| |
Ryan Meinkoth
| |
Rebecca Miller
| |
Andrew Muller
| |
Kelly Pippins
| |
David Protter
| |
Zachary Radcliff
| |
Anthony Rice
| |
Michael Richard
| |
Joel Schlachet
| |
David Sinick
| |
John Stavinga
| |
Rachel Stockdale
| |
Will Sweeney
| |
Sara Taggart
| |
Sage Tanner
| |
JT Taylor
| |
Abigail Thorpe
| |
Mackenzie Timbel
| |
Alison Walker
| |
Cole Wallin
| |
Tristan "Secret Tunnel" Weber
| |
Lucia Wei
| |
Nicholas Wetzel
| |
Jimmy Wiesbrock
| |
Hannah Zax
| |
Jacob Zax
| |
Maura Ziller
| |
Players | Assists |
George Abuhamad
| |
Mike Armstrong
| |
Joseph Babbino
| |
David Ball
| |
Madison Boyd
| |
Grant Buckingham
| |
Killian Burns
| |
Teal Dabney
| |
Melissa Devlin
| |
Allysha Dixon
| |
Veronica Eder
| |
Hilary Egan
| |
Elliott Erickson
| |
Callie Federer
| |
Lauren Ficek
| |
Alex Flamm
| |
Camilla Hallin
| |
Ellie Hasenohr
| |
Megan Ives
| |
David Kamin
| |
Stephen Lin
| |
Holly Lin
| |
Ben Lohre
| |
Will Lohre
| |
Julia Longinotti
| |
Bristol "Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the Third" Lovoy
| |
Ryan Meinkoth
| |
Rebecca Miller
| |
Andrew Muller
| |
Kelly Pippins
| |
David Protter
| |
Zachary Radcliff
| |
Anthony Rice
| |
Michael Richard
| |
Joel Schlachet
| |
David Sinick
| |
John Stavinga
| |
Rachel Stockdale
| |
Will Sweeney
| |
Sara Taggart
| |
Sage Tanner
| |
JT Taylor
| |
Abigail Thorpe
| |
Mackenzie Timbel
| |
Alison Walker
| |
Cole Wallin
| |
Tristan "Secret Tunnel" Weber
| |
Lucia Wei
| |
Nicholas Wetzel
| |
Jimmy Wiesbrock
| |
Hannah Zax
| |
Jacob Zax
| |
Maura Ziller
| |
Hover over a player's name to see his/her team name.