2021 Masters Nationals - Competition Rules Reminders and Updates
Official Rules of Ultimate (2020-21) are being used for all USA Ultimate events. This rule set, new in 2020, was not used by many events due to the pandemic-related shut-downs of ultimate events. The following is a list of references that highlight and explain rules that will be in effect at Masters Nationals, but that may be unfamiliar to players. These are new to all of us, especially after a long lay off. Do your best to familiarize yourself and your teammates.
The new cap rules are worth highlighting. Unfortunately, we did not update our schedule and event guide materials to reflect these rules changes, so we are making the correction here and on the
event web page (Competition Rules). The new soft and hard cap rules simplify the end of game, making the soft cap a +1 standard and eliminating the win-by-two requirement, overtime, and extended point total caps. The half-time cap ensures that a slow-moving game reaches half-time, when the pull and field directions changes can occur.
Competition Rules for 2021 Masters Nationals
All games to 15* *
Pool D in Masters Women's and Grand Masters Men's will be played to 13.
Halftime is 10 minutes
Each team has two timeouts per half
The halftime cap occurs after 45 minutes have elapsed. Event organizers will signal with one horn blast.
At the halftime cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed. If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the halftime target has not yet been reached by one team, one is added to the higher score and the resulting number is the new halftime target.
The soft cap (+1) occurs after 80 minutes. This is 10 minutes before the end of round time listed in the schedule. Event organizers will signal with one horn blast.
At the soft cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed. If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the game total has not yet been reached by one team, one (+1) is added to the higher score and the resulting number is the new game total.
The hard cap is the ending of the game after 90 minutes has elapsed. This is at the end of round time listed in the schedule. Event organizers will signal with two horn blasts.
At the hard cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed. If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the score is tied, play continues until one additional goal is scored. Otherwise, the game ends. The team with the most goals at the end of the game is the winner. (please note there is no longer over time.)
Caps do not affect timeouts.
2020-2021 Rules Change Highlights and Resources