The Coach & Organizer Convention is going virtual in 2021!
The coach and organizer sessions are now separate!
Even though we won't be in the same room, many of the best and brightest organizers and coaches from around the country will still be together to learn from and engage with each other.
Come join us!
USA Ultimate is committed to increasing access to the Coach & Organizer Convention for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) members of the ultimate community. Through the Delrico Johnson Fund, we will cover up to $1,000 in registration fees for BIPOC attendees. If you are interested in any amount of financial assistance for your registration fees, please fill out this quick Google Form.
We encourage registrants who are able to make a donation to the Delrico Johnson Fund via your registration or your USA Ultimate member account to help cover the costs of BIPOC organizers and coaches who may not others be able to attend the convention.
Quick Links:
Organizers' Speakers - Coaches' Speakers - Organizers' Agenda - Coaches' Agenda
January 21-24, 2021
$150 December 17, 2020 through January 10
- Registration closed January 10, 2021 -
* Affiliates and State-Based Organizations (SBO) may endorse up to 2 attending representatives to receive complimentary registration. If you endorse two representatives, one must be female or BIPOC. To register your reps, contact Leah@hq.usaultimate.org
February 1-4, 2021
$50 per night / $125 for the full convention
Register for individual nights on:
- Youth: Monday, February 1
- College: Tuesday, February 2
- Adult: Wednesday, February 3
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (FREE!): Thursday, February 4
- Registration closed January 27, 2021 -
Additional speakers will be added as they are confirmed.
Larry Melton
USA Ultimate |
Julia Lee
USA Ultimate |
Sarah Powers
USA Ultimate |
Stacey Waldrup
USA Ultimate |
Additional speakers will be added as they are confirmed.
Darryl Stanley
U.S. National Team
Jenny Wei
U-24 U.S. National Team
Chapel Hill HS, Kitty Hawks U-17 Girls |
Lauren Boyle
U.S. National Team
U-24 |
Miranda Knowles
U.S. National Team
Courtney Kiesow
U.S. National Team
U-24 |
Alex Ghesquiere
U.S. National Team
World Games, WUGC |
John Singer
Texas A&M
Alexia McCaskill
Boulder High School
Nicole Neumiller
Ultimate Impact
Lauren Davenport
US Lacrosse |
Sam Callan
USA Ultimate |

Matty Tsang
U.S. National Team
World Games, WUGC
DeAnna Ball
U.S. National Team
WJUC, U-24
The information below will continue to be updated as more details are finalized.
*All times are in MT.
Thursday, January 21
5:00 p.m. - The Keys to Successful Volunteer Management and Leadership Development
Featured Speaker: Juan Caraveo - Program Development Manager, USA Swimming
6:40 p.m. - Discussion: Increasing Volunteer Engagement and Activity in Your Community
Friday, January 22
5:00 p.m. - The World of Grants
Featured Speaker: Beth Hall Roalstad - Executive Director, Homeward Pikes Peak
6:00 p.m. - USA Ultimate Updates
Presenters: Larry Melton - Manager, Communications & Development; Co-Chair, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, USA Ultimate
Sarah Powers - Manager, Youth & Outreach Programs, USA Ultimate
7:00 p.m. - Discussion: Strategic Planning for Your Organization OR Funding Models for Youth Programming
Saturday, January 23
8:30 a.m. - Rise & Shine Yoga
9:00 a.m. - SafeSport
Featured Speaker: U.S. Center for SafeSport Representative
10:05 a.m. - USA Ultimate Updates
Presenters: Will Deaver - Managing Director, Competition & National Team Programs, USA Ultimate
Joy Ferenbaugh - Manager, Competition & National Team Programs - Youth, USA Ultimate
11:15 a.m. - Partnering with Youth-Serving Organizations to Engage Underserved Communities
Panelists: Grace Robinson, Mississippi Girls' Outreach Coordinator, USA Ultimate
Josh Feng, Board of Directors, Color of Ultimate; AFDC Project Diversity
Daren Girling - Pikes Peak YMCA
Nigel Murphy - Atlanta Parks & Recreation
12:15 p.m. - Discussion: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
8:30 a.m. - Coffee & Networking
9:00 a.m. - From Middle School to World Championships: How to Build Community
Featured Speaker: Matty Tsang - U.S. National Team Coach, Middle School Teacher & Coach
10:05 a.m. - Marketing & Communications
Presenter: Stacey Waldrup - Director, Member Services & Community Development; Co-Chair, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, USA Ultimate
10:35 a.m. - Finance
Presenter: Julia Lee - Director, Finance & Administration, USA Ultimate
11:10 a.m. - Discussion: Strategic Planning for Growth in Your Area
11:55 a.m. - Closing
The information below will continue to be updated as more details are finalized.
*All times are in MT.
Monday, February 1: Youth Night
4:00 p.m. - Developing a Player-Centered Environment
Speaker: Candace Yeh - Coach: Colorado Cutthroat (YCC U-20 Girls)
Session Description: As coaches, it is common for our coaching repertoire and toolbox to be largely influenced by our personal experiences, which can be biased and is often refined for the adult athlete. Certain drills that are taught are crowd faves and seem "tried and true," but how do we know that these are the most effective in teaching our youth athletes? So how might be develop drills, warm-ups and procedures specific to the youth experience? During this session, we will use design-centered thinking to create a drill of our own, specific to mental resilience, for youth.
5:00 p.m. - Planning What to Teach - Skills Progression
Speakers: Jenny Wei - Coach: Chapel Hill High School, Kitty Hawks (YCC U-17 Girls); U-24 Women's National Team Alumna
Bridget Mizener - Coach: Chapel Hill High School
Session Description: As a youth coach, you're responsible for teaching all of the skills that now come easily to you to impressionable players who haven't yet figured out how to move their limbs in an athletic fashion and who may have never even touched a disc. How do you tackle teaching youth players the infinite list of skills, concepts and strategies that make ultimate so fun? In this session, we'll talk about some considerations to take into account in order to effectively teach the skills your team needs to be successful!
6:00 p.m. - Being a 21st Century Coach
Speaker: Sam Callan - Manager, Youth and Education Programs - USA Ultimate
Session Description: Think of a coach (or teacher) who had a positive impact on you. Likely, that coach did more than teach you the skills of the sport. That coach probably connected with you, challenged you and supported you. The coach went beyond an exchange of information (transactional coaching) and into recognizing you as a whole person and helping you develop as a person as well as an athlete (transformational coaching).
Tuesday, February 2: College Night
4:00 p.m. - Topic: Developing a Practice Plan
Speaker: Courtney Kiesow - Assistant Coach: 2021 U.S. U-24 Women's National Team
Session Description: Learn strategies to best utilize your practice time, space and player focus. This presentation is mostly geared toward college teams but can be applied across all experience levels. Practice planning can be fun - I promise!
5:00 p.m. - Topic: Creating a Player-Center Approach
Speaker: Lauren Boyle - Assistant Coach: U.S. U-24 Mixed National Team - 2021, 2019 & 2018
6:00 p.m. - Explaining is More than Just Telling
Speaker: Sam Callan - Manager, Youth and Education Programs - USA Ultimate
Session Description: Giving concise, yet clear, explanations for what you want your players to do is a critical part of coaching. We will present a format for explanations and break you into small groups to practice with feedback from your peers. Be prepared to give an explanation to your fellow coaches and receive and give feedback, as well!
Wednesday, February 3: Adult Club Night
4:00 p.m. - Topic: Calling Subs
Speaker: Darryl Stanley - Assistant Coach: U.S. U-24 Men's National Team - 2021 & 2019; Head Coach - Washington, D.C. Truck Stop - 2017-Present; Head
Coach - University of Maryland Men's Team - 2018-Present
5:00 p.m. - How to Win Games You Shouldn't: Punching Up in Ultimate
Speaker: Miranda Knowles - Assistant Coach - U.S. Men's National Team, WUGC 2021; Coach - Atlanta Chain Lightning; Coach - Paideia School Groove
Girls' Varsity
Session Description: At the intersection of realism and creativity lies the upset. Get insight into true team self-evaluation, flipping the script and using your team's strengths, no matter what they are. We will use film and statistical analysis, group and breakout discussions and a healthy dose of Miranda sharing her surprisingly simple secrets to winning games against top-five teams.
6:00 p.m. - Moves and Countermoves: Primary and Responsive Strategies for Elite Club Ultimate Teams
Speaker: Alex "Dutchy" Ghesquiere - Head Coach: U.S. World Games National Team - 2017 & 2013; Head Coach - U.S. Men's National Team, WUGC 2016;
Head Coach - Washington D.C. Scandal 2013-Present
Session Description: This presentation will review suggestions for how to select a primary strategy for a club team's offense or defense. In addition, it will review some methods for identifying strategies best suited for various opponent playing styles. Finally, it will review how to adapt that strategy in response to a particular opponent's execution or observations from the flow or conditions of a game.
Thursday, February 4: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
4:00 p.m. - Research on Recruiting Underrepresented Groups into Coaching
Speakers: George Cunningham, PhD - Texas A&M University - Professor and Senior Assistant Provost for Graduate and Professional Studies; Director -
Center for Sport Management Research and Education; Director - Laboratory for Diversity in Sport
John Singer - Texas A&M University - Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion, College of Education and Human
Session Description: Dr. Cunningham has done extensive research on race and ethnicity in coaching. We will present on his findings and share thoughts on how to recruit coaches from underrepresented groups.
5:00 p.m. - Panel Discussion
Panelists: Nicole Neumiller - Ultimate Impact
Alexia McCaskill - Head Coach, Boulder High School Girls' and Mixed Teams
Lauren Davenport - US Lacrosse Manager of Athlete Development
Session Description: The panel will discuss best practices for recruiting players from underrepresented groups and creating a positive environment for them. We will follow up with breakout rooms for people to share their best practices and experiences in these areas.
Questions about the convention?
Contact Leah Dolan-Kelley