Account Management

Note: Teams may not alter any of the competition rules

We will be using the 2022-2023 USA Ultimate Official Rules of Ultimate.

All games to 15

Halftime is 7 minutes for all games.

Timeouts: Each team has two timeouts per half. Caps do not affect timeouts.

Half Time Cap: Occurs 45 minutes after the start of the round. If neither team has reached 8, finish the point in progress and add 1 to the higher score. This is the new Half Time target.

Soft time cap: Occurs 90 minutes after the start of the round. Finish the point in progress. Add 1 to the higher score; this is the new Game target.

Hard time cap: Occurs 105 minutes after the start of the round. Game is over at the end of the point in progress, unless tied.  If tied, play one more point.

A point begins when the previous goal is scored and ends when the next goal is scored.

Hard caps will not be used in the Championship Games, Championship Semifinals, or any final placement games unless determined necessary prior to the game(s) by organizers due to scheduling constraints. 

Mixed Division On-Field Personnel Ratio: At the start of each game after the first disc flip, an additional disc flip happens with the winner selecting which end zone is the "genzone." At the start of each point, the team that is at the genzone must choose the gender ratio. This process applies for the entire game (the "Genzone Decides Rule"). For all Mixed games, if a team cannot match the on-field personnel ratio of all seven players on the team determining the personnel ratio for the point, then it must play with fewer than seven players, matching the personnel ratio with as many players as possible.

Seeding: This year we did not require teams to attend specific events. As a result, rankings do not have the same degree of connectivity as they would have most years. Therefore, in keeping with TCT guidelines, when Power Ratings are close, we took into account team feedback, recent head to head results, and performance against other qualifying teams in determining final seedings.