Account Management
Pool Play AND Saturday Bracket Games:
Games to 13
Round Length: 105 min
Halftime Cap: 40 min
Soft Cap (+1): 80 min
Hard Cap: 95 min
1 Timeout per half plus 1 floater
Halftime is 7 min
Timeouts are allowed in soft/hard cap
**13th place Pool play games follow Pool play rules both days**
Sunday Bracket Games:
Games to 15
Round Length: 120 min
Halftime Cap: 45 min
Soft Cap (+1): 90 min
Hard Cap: 105 min
2 Timeouts per half
Halftime 7 min
Timeouts are allowed in soft/hard cap
Overtime rule and win by 2 no longer exist. First team to 13 or 15 wins unless changed by soft or hard caps.
Soft cap:
Finish the current point, then add one to the higher score and play to that but do not exceed the original game score(13 or 15). Waiting on the line is part of the current point. Timeouts are allowed in soft cap provided you have remaining timeouts from regulation.
Hard cap:
Finish the current point. If tied, play one more point. If not tied, the team with more points wins. Timeouts are allowed in hard cap provided you have remaining timeouts from regulation.
Halftime Cap:
Halftime cap works just like soft cap. At the halftime cap horn, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed. If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the halftime target has not yet been reached(7 in a game to 13 or 8 in a game to 15) by one team, one is added to the higher score and the resulting number is the new halftime target. Make sure after taking halftime your teams properly switch endzones as from the start of the game.
Hydration/Heat Index Timeout (if required):
One official hydration break per half.
a) First-half break occurs when first team reaches 4 points.
b) Second-half break occurs when first team reaches 10 points in a game to 13, 12 points in a game to 15, or when soft cap is applied, whichever comes first.
c) Break extends the time between points by 3 minutes before the next pull (i.e. total of 4 minutes 30 seconds).