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2024 High School State Championship: Mixed Division USA Ultimate 4v4 Rules
Other than these additions and changes, the current official rules apply to Ultimate 4’s competition
Field size (yards) Length: Central Zone (goal line to goal line)
Central Zone Length: 37
Width: 25
End Zone: 8
Total Length: 53
Note: Total length is the approximate width of an American football field. Sizes may differ slightly on different fields.
Out-of-Bounds / "OB" A receiving player’s first point of contact should be in-bounds. On the boundary line is out or OB. One foot in with one foot out, or "straddling" is OB.
Point Totals Games are to 13, with halftime at 7
Start of the Game / Flip The first game of the match begins according to Section 9.A. and the usual choice of end zone, light/dark, or possession. The end zone and possession choices are reversed at the start of the second half.
Pull Each point starts with a pull.
Any pull that lands in the out-of-bounds area results in a brick.
Brick The brick mark is at mid-field.
Time Between Pulls Time limits are adjusted as follows:

30 seconds: Offense must be lined up
45 seconds: Offense must signal readiness
60 seconds: Defense must pull
Stall Count Stall count is to 7 (starting with 'Stalling 1' going to 7).
Stall occurs at the 'S' in seven. Then call "Stall"

Stall counts resume as in 15.a.5 with the following adaptations:
- "9 if over 8" becomes "6 if over 5"
- "6 if over 5" becomes "4 if over 3"
- Contested stall - First call "5" - Second and subsequent calls when due to a fast count "3"
Time Outs 1 timeout per team per game.
Half-time Half-Cap is active.
Halfway through the match (25m), finish the point and add one to the highest score. Take half when the score is reached.
Half-time is 3 minutes.
Time of Game and Matches (caps) Games will be Hard-capped at 50 minutes, Soft-cap+2 at 40 minutes. At 40m, finish the point, add 2 to the highest score, and play to that score unless you reach hard cap.
Point Differential/Tie Breaks in Pools in Tournament Format 1. Head-to-head score
2. Point differential in games between tied teams
3. Point differential in other games
Mixed Personnel Ratios Always 2 boy-matching and 2 girl-matching mixed play.
Subbing Between Pulls. No subbing "on the fly"