Account Management
Score: Games to 13 with a 10-minute half at 7. Report scores via USAU app or GroupMe.
Caps: Soft cap at 80 min. Hard cap at 90 min.
Timeouts: 1 per half + 1 floater (70 seconds).
Prescribed gender ratio rule: "At the start of the game, after the first disc flip, an additional disc flip happens with the winner selecting the gender ratio for the first point. For the fourth and third points the ratio must be the reverse of the first point. For the fourth and fifth points, the ratio must be the same as the first point. This pattern of alternating the ratio every two points repeats until the end of the game (half time has no impact on the pattern)".
Majority pull rule: "Each point, a player representing the gender match-up with four players on the field must pull for that point."