Home>Event Travel Directions
The fields are on Villanova's West Campus, and the entrance is located at:
250 N Spring Mill Road
Villanova, PA 19085
Note that if you are arriving from the south on Spring Mill, you will have to make a right immediately after the bridge over the train tracks, and keep right to circle around under the bridge, where you'll be able to see the guard house at the entrance to West Campus.
Attached is a map of West Campus and the fields with labels for the bathrooms and parking. You will have to pass through a gate with a security guard if you are arriving by car. Just tell him/her that you are here for the tournament and you'll be golden. There is a train station right on west campus, southeast of the guard house that is a stop on the Septa Paoli/Thorndale Regional Rail, if this is more convenient for you depending on your location.
We'll be good snow-wise as well; the snow today isn't even sticking to the turf, and the fields are clear.