Account Management
 Pool A - pool of 5:
Games to 11
Point cap at 13
Round length 90 mins
Soft cap 60 mins
Hard cap 80 mins
1 timeout per half
Caps do not affect timouts
Pool B - pool of 4:
Games to 15
Point cap at 17
Round length 120 mins
Soft cap 90 mins
Hard cap 110 mins
2 timeouts per half
Caps do not affect timouts
Bracket Play:
Games to 15
Point cap at 17
Round length 120 mins
Soft cap 90 mins
Hard cap 110 mins
2 timeouts per half
Caps do not affect timeouts
Overtime is defined when two teams are tied at one less than the game total before any cap (10-10 in a game to 11, 14-14 in a game to 15). You must still win by two points in overtime unless the point cap is reached first. Teams have 1 timeout in overtime regardless of whether any timeouts remain from regulation.
Soft cap:
Finish the current point, then add two to the higher score and play to that. You need to win to the original game total(11 or 15) & win by 2 OR you need to win to the point cap(see example below). Timeouts in soft cap are allowed provided you have remaining timeouts from regulation. 
Example: In a game that is 12-10 when soft cap goes off, the point cap is now 14.
A)        If team A scores 13-10, game is over.
B)        If team B makes a comeback to 12-12, then play to 14.
C)        Or you go to hard cap due to time
Hard cap:
Finish the current point. If tied, play one more point. If not tied, team with more points wins. Timeouts are in hard cap provided you have remaining timeouts from regulation.