Account Management
Game Total:
The game total is the predetermined number of goals to win the game.  A game is played until one team first reaches the game total.  There is no win by two requirement.  The game total for all games will be 13.
Halftime Cap:
The halftime cap occurs once a predetermined time of play has elapsed.  At the halftime cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed.  If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the halftime target (7 in a game to 13) has not yet been reached by one team, 1 is added to the higher score and the resulting number is the new halftime target.  The game is still played to the original game total (13) unless soft and/or hard cap is reached.  The halftime cap will be 45 minutes after the start of the round.
Soft Cap (+1):
At the soft cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed.  If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the game total (13) has not yet been reached by one team, 1 is added to the higher score and the resulting number is the new game total.  Timeouts are allowed in soft cap.  The soft cap will be 80 minutes after the start of the round.
Hard Cap:
At the hard cap, play continues until the current scoring attempt is completed.  If, after the current scoring attempt is completed, the score is tied, play continues until 1 additional goal is scored.  Otherwise, the game ends.  Timeouts are allowed in hard cap.  The hard cap will be 95 minutes after the start of the round.