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Saturday's games to 13 Sunday's games to 15 Soft cap +1 Hard cap game is over unless tied at end of point, then sudden death +1 No longer win by 2 requirement and point caps. If a game is to 13, it is a game to 13 Time caps: Halftime cap comes halfway until the latest time of the round. For example, in our games to 13 on Saturday the latest time of the round is 85 minutes so the halftime cap is at 43 min. If the game has not reached halftime by 43 minutes they must take half then. Halftime is 5 minutes For example on times of caps on Saturday: 9:00 am start 9:43 am Halftime cap 10:15 am Soft cap 10:25 am Hard cap 10:45 am start of next round Sunday time caps example: 9:00 am Start 9:50 am Halftime Cap 10:30 am Soft Cap 10:40 am Hard Cap 11:00 am next round Timeouts: Games to 13 1/half + floater Games to 15 2/half