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Presidents' Day Invite 2025

City: La Jolla
Date: 2/15/2025 - 2/17/2025
State: CA

Welcome to Presidents' Day Invite!

Field assignments may change due to Ultiworld streaming preferences (RIMAC 2 and 3 are streamed fields) but the format is otherwise set. Please check Friday night for most updated field assignments.

Please note that this years format takes a bit of a twist that cannot be reflected over the USAU system. Pool Play records from Saturday will be carried over to Sunday. A combined record of Saturday and Sunday games will be attached to each team. The top two teams of each Sunday pool with the best overall records across both days will move to Quarters. Tie breakers will be decided by point differentials. This means there will be a moment of down time between the 3rd game on Sunday and Quarters. This also means it is vital for teams to reports scores immediately. The 3rd and 4th place teams of each Sunday Pool will head to their respective brackets on Monday.

If there is a rain, a rain-schedule will be posted.

This event is part of the College 2025 Regular Season and will count towards college rankings

College Registration Guidlines

Help Documents to guide you through registration

Event Type:
Sanctioned Tournament - Sanctioned College Regular Season Tournament

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