2015 U.S. Open Ultimate Convention
The 2015 U.S. Open Convention will include a slate of informative sessions and engaging activities, targeted primarily for the benefit of USA Ultimate Affiliate organization representatives from around the nation, as well as other leaders in the sport of ultimate from around the world. In addition to all competition matches, conventioneers are invited to attend the following activities.
Wednesday, July 1:
4:00-7:00pm - Discraft Welcome Reception (Hilton Garden Inn West Chester)
Thursday, July 2:
6:00-9:00pm - Opening Ceremonies & West Chester Block Party (The Square at Union Centre)
Friday, July 3:
8:30-9:30am - A National Infrastructure for the Sport of Ultimate (Hilton Garden Inn West Chester)
Presented by Dr. Tom Crawford. Forward looking discussion about USA Ultimate's strategic direction and why it is important to be part of the plans to grow and scale our sport to build local delivery systems and partners.

10:00am-12:00pm - Learn to Run a "Learn To Play" (Voice of America Metropark, Field 1)
Instructed by Dan Raabe. Attend the Learn To Play and GUM youth clinics to introduce kids to ultimate, and learn how to run a clinic in your community.
12:30-1:20pm - Safe Sport Overview (Voice of America Metropark, Lodge)
Presented by Josh Murphy. Find out how USA Ultimate plans to get involved, along with its Affiliates, in the Olympic Safe Sport movement to protect our athletes from the risks of abuse as the sport continues to grow.
1:30-2:20pm - Ultimate Long-Term Athlete Development (Voice of America Metropark, Lodge)
Presented by Dr. Tom Crawford and Dan Raabe. Overview of the ongoing effort and progress for developing a model of athletic development for young ultimate players as they learn, grow, and achieve on the field.
2:30-3:20pm - Coming Soon: YCTF Phase 2 and the WFDF Spirit System (Voice of America Metropark, Lodge)
Presented by Will Deaver. Learn about USA Ultimate's ongoing transition towards use of the WFDF spirit scoring system as well as the progress of the Youth Club Task Force's phase 2, towards developing a national youth infrastructure.
3:30-4:10pm - Youth Ultimate Economic Model (Voice of America Metropark, Lodge)
Presented by Josh Murphy. Examine the potential economic growth forecasts for Affiliate organizations through sustainable budgeting, staffing, and program implementation of youth ultimate.

4:15-4:50pm - Case Study: Triangle Youth Ultimate League (TYUL) (Voice of America Metropark, Lodge)
Presented by Jason Parker. Past, present, and future successes of one Affiliate organization's sustainable implementation of youth ultimate programming in North Carolina.
5:00-5:30pm - Affiliate Organization Highlights (Voice of America Metropark, Lodge)
Facilitated by USA Ultimate Affiliate organization representatives from around the nation. Discuss the successes and challenges of USA Ultimate Affiliate organizations that are promoting growth of the sport at the local level.

7:30-8:30pm - GUM: Building the Movement (Hilton Garden Inn West Chester Room)
Presented by Zara Cadoux and Heather Ann Brauer. Join the leaders of GUM to hear how this initiative has grown in its first year, guided by GUM's 5 Ultimate Priorities: (1) develop Media resources for girls, (2) Pilot GUM Programs, (3) develop a girls-focused Curriculum, (4) create a National Volunteer Structure, and (5) Research best practices. Don't miss your chance to be part of this exciting movement, as we take a proactive stance on recruiting and retaining more girls in our sport!
8:30-9:30pm - Gender Equity Open Forum (Hilton Garden Inn West Chester Room)
Come to the gender equity open forum for an open discussion of ideas and any suggestions you may have on enhancing gender equity in the sport of Ultimate. USA Ultimate staff and Board will participate.
Saturday, July 4:
8:30-9:30am - Tournament Director Certification Overview (Hilton Garden Inn West Chester Room)
Facilitated by Will Deaver. Tournaments are often organized with limited resources, personnel, and experience. This new USA Ultimate program helps to train and certify event managers, in order to provide local communities with experts to run high quality events that meet and exceed the expectations of participants.
9:30-11:30am - Affiliate Organization Highlights (Hilton Garden Inn West Chester Room)
Facilitated by USA Ultimate Affiliate organization representatives from around the nation. Connect with the insights and experiences of Affiliate organizers, in order to more effectively promote ultimate's character, community, and competition around the USA.
To register for the convention, please complete this online registration form and follow the directions for the registration payment. If you have any questions, please send an email to usopen@usaultimate.org
Presenter Bios
Dr. Tom Crawford
Chief Executive Officer
USA Ultimate
Josh Murphy
Manager - Membership & Sport Development
USA Ultimate
Zara Cadoux
Girls' Ultimate Movement Working Group Chair
USA Ultimate
Heather Ann Brauer
National Outreach Director (Girls)
USA Ultimate
Jason Parker
Triangle Flying Disc Association
Dan Raabe
Manager of Education and Youth Programs
USA Ultimate
Will Deaver
Managing Director of Competition & Athlete Programs
USA Ultimate
◄ U.S. Open Championship