Account Management
2020-2021 Official Rules of Ultimate will be in effect.
Big Changes:

Players may seek sideline perspective to assist in making calls.

Teams no longer must win by two points.

Soft cap is "add 1". There is a half-time cap (see cap info below).

Offsides by the pulling team allows the receiving team to take the result of the pull or the disc at the brick (1st offsides) or at midfield (2nd and subsequent offsides)

Travel calls, where a disc is not thrown, does not stop play

Additional changes can be reviewed at

  • Note: One additional rule governing how to handle too many players on the field will be in effect. (See Below*)
All games to 15.
Halftime cap goes off exactly halfway to hard cap (52.5 minutes after the beginning of the game). If neither team has reached 7 or more points, one point is added to the highest score after the completion of the point. Halftime will be taken once a team reaches the new halftime score.
  • Halftime is 5 minutes. 
  • Halftime for D-I semifinals and D-I and D-III finals is 10 minutes.
Soft time cap goes on after 90 minutes (15 minutes before the hard cap). Add 1 point to the higher score after the point during which the cap goes off is completed. Game ends when the first team reaches the new game total or when the first team reaches 15, whichever comes first.
  • Soft cap for D-I semis and D-I and D-III finals will be at 1 hour, 45 minutes. 
Hard time cap goes on at the end of round time listed in the schedule (1 hour, 45 minutes). Finish the point in progress and the game is over unless tied. If tied, play one more point.
  • Hard caps will not be used for the D-I and D-III semifinals and finals.
Each team has two timeouts per half.
Caps do not affect timeouts.
*If the disc has been pulled and a team has more than seven (7) players or has the incorrect mixed personnel ratio, a player must call a violation as soon as this is discovered. 
  1. The team in violation must choose which player(s) to remove from their team, in the case of too many players, or substitute, in the case of an incorrect mixed personnel ratio.
  2. For every player removed or substituted by the team in violation, the other team may substitute a player. 
  3. After correcting the violation, the other team chooses whether to restart the point using re-pull timings (9.C.5.a) or to restart play as if a team timeout had been called (7.B.4) with the stall count determined by the applicable violation resolution of 15.A.5.a. If both teams are in violation, the point should be restarted unless both teams agree to restart play as if a team timeout had been called. 
  4. If a violation of 9.B.3.a is called after a goal has been scored and prior to the ensuing pull, the other team may choose to nullify the goal and restart the point using re-pull timings (9.C.5.a). [[A team must call a violation as soon as one is discovered; they may not wait to see the outcome of a point or play to call the violation (17.A)]]