Account Management
  • Please fill out the spirit scoring form after each game
  • SubSection 1
    • All games to 15 - Saturday and Sunday
    • 2 timeouts per half  / 7 minutes for half time 
    • Half time cap at 45 mins / Soft cap at 90 mins
    • Hard cap at 105 mins / Next round begins at 120 mins
  • SubSection 2
    • Seedings look weird due to EMS. Bird - you appear listed as last in your pool (33), but you're actually 3; everyone is playing the correct teams in the right order. 
    • Saturday games to 13 for pool play
    • 2 timeouts per half  / 7 minutes for half time
    • Half time cap at 40 mins /  If the half time target has not been reached, finish the current point. Then add one (1) to the higher score to set the new halftime target. 
    • Soft cap at 80 mins /  If no team has scored 13 points, finish the current point then add one (1) to the higher score to establish the new game target
    • Hard cap at 95 mins /  Finish the current point. If the game is tied, play one more point.  
  • Both tournaments
    • There will NOT be horns so keep track of your time. 
    • All Sunday games to 15